Actions & Events

Upcoming Events

Texas 88th Legislative Session - Ends May 29th, 2023

During the legislative session, things move quickly, and the actions we can take change every day. Visit our partner pages below to learn more information about what actions you can take. 

Equality Texas: Upcoming Events | 2023 Legislative Bill Tracker

Texas Freedom Network: Legislative Session Action Center

The ACLU of Texas: Legislative Action Hub

DFPS Council Meetings - Several dates throughout 2023

Once again, we are seeking volunteers to provide public comment by sharing the collected testimonies of transgender children and their parents during this meeting or simply be physically present to fill a seat and pack the room. Equality Texas and our coalition partners will provide you with the testimony to read in order to protect the identities of transgender children and their families from being targeted by DFPS.

Sign up to read a testimony or fill a seat to pack the room

If you are a transgender youth, a parent or guardian of a transgender youth, or an impacted professional who works with transgender youth (healthcare providers, teachers), we invite you to share your testimony in the form below for a volunteer to read. As we did at previous meetings, we are working to safeguard the identities of impacted Texans who would like to make their voices heard but, for their own safety, cannot testify in person.

Sign up to submit your story for testimony 

Actions You Can Take From Anywhere

Although the state’s actions are not legally binding, we’re already seeing their devastating impact on transgender Texans and their families. Here’s what you can do to push back: 

Become an advocate today to help defend the rights of all trans people in Texas, especially kids.

Become an Advocate